You searched for silver from the year 1698.
2 results
Hallmarked in London in 1698 by William Andrews, this exemplary, William & Mary Period, Antique Britannia Standard Silver Porringer, is in the traditional form, and is engraved with initials to one side (M.P). The porringer measures 3.5"(9cm) tall, by 7"(18cm) from handle to handle and weighs 6.9 troy ounces.
Hallmarked in London in 1698 by James Chadwick, this very handsome, William III Period, Antique Britannia Standard Silver Tankard, is straight sided, with reed details to the rim, base and lid. The thumb piece is cast with an engraved flower as decoration, and the handle is engraved with the original initials TM. The tankard measures 7.25"(18.5cm) tall, by 8"(20cm) wide, by 5.25"(13cm) deep, and weighs 25.7 troy ounces.